17-19 Мај 2024, Здравјето во фокусот на жената – годишна конференцијa


Day 1. Friday 17 May

17:00 -18:00Registration for the conference and coffee
18:00 -18:30Opening of the Conference – Welcome speech
Dr. Ilir Demiri, Minister of Health of RN Macedonia
Dr. Afrodita Shalja, Head of office, UNFPA North Macedonia 
Prof. D-r Goran Dimitrov, President of Macedonian Medical Association
Prof. d-r Gligor Tofoski, President of Macedonian Association of Gynecologists and Obstetricians
18:30-19:00Prof. Dr. Mats Brännström (Sweden) Development of uterine transplantation
19:00-19:20Prof. Dr. Ratko Matijevic (Croatia) – Vaccination in pregnancy
19:20-19:40Prof. Dr. Frank Louwen (Germany) Obesity in pregnancy/Stem cells in obesity
19:40-20:00Symposium Vita Bim
With attending on this symposium you will receive disco tickets for the party on 18th May in Musandra
20:00Cocktail party with Macedonian pianist Ema Ananievska

Day 2. Saturday 18 May

10:00-10:20Prof. Dr. Elena Dzikova (RN Macedonia)
Artificial intelligence in gynecology and obstetrics
10:20-10:40Achilleas Papatheodorou, Ph.D, (Greece) 
AI in IVF: Current and future applications in the field of ART
10:40-11:00Eda Vrtačnik Bokal (Slovenia)
Fertility preservation in oncological patients
11:00-11:30Symposium Varus 
Prof. Dr Goran Dimitrov
11:30-12:00Symposium NOW  
Doc.Dr. Vesna Livrinova (RN Macedonia)
12:00-12:30Coffee break
12:30-12:50Prof. Dr. Tamer Erel (Turkey)
Climacteric women’s health
12:50-13:10Michalis Kiriakidis, MD, (Greece)
Low Ovarian Reserve: Puzzling Problem and a Viable Solution
13:30-14:00Symposium 4UFarma
Prof. Dr.Gligor Tofoski/Prof.Dr. Ratko Matijevic
15:00-15:30Dr. Dimitrios V. Nikolaidis (Greece)
Creating Excellence in HEALTH Service: Respecting our patients, Re-shaping the Society
15:30-16:00Symposium EL Pharma 
Dr. Tanja Gurzanova
16:00-16:30Coffee break with ElPharma
16:30-16:50Prof. Dr Goran Dimitrov (RN Macedonia)
HPV vaccines – past, present and future
16:50 – 17:10Assist. prof. Nina Jancar. (Slovenia)
HPV vaccination in Slovenia and Europe
17:10- 17:30Nicholas Christoforidis, MD (Greece)
Environmental Impact on Reproductive Health:
Current aspects of a rapidly growing situation
17:30-17:50Prof. Dr. Jean Calleja Aguis (Malta)
Space Travel and Female Reproductive Issues  
21:00-00:00Official Conference Party
Disco Club Musandra (GTC) – Back to Back Dragan B. Kostic and Vera Jankovic

Day 3. Sunday 19 May 2024

10:00-11:00Selected oral presentation of best abstracts

Aleksandra Atanasova Boshku
Obesity and insulin resistance contribute more to increasing the ApoB/ApoA1 ratio than hyperandrogenism in women with PCOS

Natasa Ilieva
Fertility preservation of women with endometrial cancer with medroxyprogesterone acetate – a case series

Ana Spirkovska
Secondary infertility 

Ana Marija Kuvendzieva 
The role of stem cells in gynecology 

Darko Veljanovski
Streptococus mutans infective endocarditis during pregnancy: a rare case report
11:00-11:20Prof. Dr. Elizabeta Zisovska (RN Macedonia)
Why do we need the neonatologist? Rapid development of neonatal practice
11:40-12:00Dr. MladenRisteski (RN Macedonia)
The female Мicrobiome as a factor in the reproductive health
12:00-12:20Coffee break
12:20 – 13:20Workshop – Non contraceptive use of contraceptives
13:20 – 13:40Presentation of Standard Operative procedure – Gender Based and Sexual Violence Centers
13:40 – 14:00Presentation on updated guideline on medical abortion
14.00 – 15.00Panel session- Update on guideline on cervical cancer screening

Во тек на овој тродневен настан предвидено е и организирање на работилници како и дел посветен за презентација на избраните апстракти. Ве покануваме да подготвите стручно научни апстракти и да се регистрирате на страницата на конференцијата за да може навремено да се известат оние кои ќе бидат избрани за орална презентација.
Оваа годишна конференција ќе биде пријавена и акредитирана од МЛД и ЛКРСМ со бодови како за интернационална конференција (конгрес)11 бодови.

Агендата и попрецизни временски рамки ќе Ви бидат доставени наскоро.

Колегијален поздрав,
Проф. Д-р Глигор Тофоски